Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Review: "Lover Eternal" by J.R. Ward

Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2)Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm so late to the BDB series, that there's really nothing left for me to say about this book, LOL.

Anyway, here's my two cents...

I loved Rhage, and that's saying a lot considering that he had sex with another woman even though he was already in love with Mary. That should have made me yell "cheater" at the top of my lungs but, due to some miraculous writing by Ms. Ward, it only made me feel sorry for him. I think I even forgave him before Mary did. What was "wrong" with me??? And he actually made me cry - twice! He was just wonderful! *sighs*

On the other hand, Mary didn't wowed me that much. She was nice - even too nice sometimes - but I didn't connect with her. Maybe that was intentional on my part, because I had a hard time reading about her dealing with her leukemia and I ended up skimming through most the scenes where that subject came up. As for her easy acceptance of Rhage's beast, it was unbelievable. Okay, she went through a lot since she'd met Rhage and the Brotherhood, but only a lunatic would pet a spitting-mad dragon. But she truly loved Rhage, so I guess that was okay.

Regarding the overall story, the UF vibe that I first felt in Dark Lover was present in this book too, and it's starting to bother me. I just don't care about following too many storylines at the same time. I know all that stuff will lead to something important in future books but, by the time I read the next books in the series, I won't remember most of it. Rhage and Mary's love story was beautiful though, and that's what really matters to me. :)


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