Saturday, February 11, 2012

Review: "The Warlord Wants Forever" by Kresley Cole

The Warlord Wants Forever (Immortals After Dark, #1)The Warlord Wants Forever by Kresley Cole

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Warlord Wants Forever is the short story that introduces the Immortal After Dark series...

From Kresley Cole's website:

Nikolai Wroth, once a ruthless human warlord in the 1700s and now a general in the rebel vampire army, needs to find his Bride, the one woman who can render him truly alive. As a turned human, he doesn’t enjoy a heartbeat or breaths and is consequently weaker than fully blooded vampires. He wants his Bride for the power she will bring him and can hardly believe it when his heart beats for Myst the Coveted, a mad, fey, mythological creature.

Myst is known throughout the world as the most beautiful Valkyrie, part chillingly fierce warrior, part beguiling seductress who can “make you want her even as she’s killing you.” She has devoted her life to protecting an ancient, powerful jewel and to fighting the vampires, and she now sees a way to torment one—for with Wroth’s heartbeat comes consuming sexual desire that can only be slaked by her.

She eludes him for five years, but he has finally chased her to ground and stolen the jewel which commands her, giving him absolute power over her. While he possesses it, he can make her do anything, and he plans to in order for her to experience first hand the agonizing, unending lust she’d purposely subjected him to for half a decade. Yet when Wroth realizes he wants more from her and frees her, will she come back to him?

As the introduction to the IAD series, this story did its job. I wasn't wowed by it but I'm interested enough to give the next book a try. The PNR world created by Ms. Cole is unique - at least, to me - with its mixture of all kinds of PNR beings. I mean, I'm used to series being about one kind of PNR being - vampires, shapeshifters, psychics, or whatever - but it looks like the IAD series has them all "mixing and matching", and this should be fun.

I had to struggle a bit in the first half of story, because Wroth and Myst weren't exactly likable. He started out being somewhat cold and unemotional and then turned into an obsessive domineering "master", ugh. As for Myst, she just seemed to be too ditzy and slutty for my taste. Okay, the sexual tension between them was sizzling hot and their love scenes got me "hot and bothered", but I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable when he took her free will away from her. Every time he commanded her to do something against her will, I cringed a little because I'm not into D/s and there was definitely a D/s vibe there. Thankfully, Wroth came to his senses in the end and Myst had more depth in her than she'd led me to believe, and I ended up liking both of them.

The following books in this series are supposed to be better than this one, so I'm off to reading A Hunger Like No Other. We shall see how I like it...

View all my reviews


  1. Good review Dina. I've been eyeing this book and this series for awhile.

  2. Thanks, Lady Jaye. :) This is a much-loved series so you should definitely give it a try.
