Sunday, September 11, 2011

Review: "Anastasia's Style" by N.J. Walters

Anastasia's StyleAnastasia's Style by N.J. Walters

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This was a disappointing read, and that's saying something considering it's a short story and all I wanted was a quick and "brainless" read. When it comes to novellas, I have to like the hero and the heroine to enjoy the story because, let's face it, there's hardly any room to develop a top-notch plot.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen here. I didn't particularly like either Mason or Anastasia, and I wanted to shake them for their "stupidity". I mean, they left a silly Big Misunderstanding keep them apart for a whole year only because they couldn't find a way to talk to each other! At one point in the story, Anastasia even told Mason, "What’s even sadder is that if we’d been able to communicate better in the first place, she (Mason's mother) wouldn’t have been able to destroy our marriage." Well, that was sad, indeed. If they knew what the problem was, why didn't they do something to solve it?

The (two) love scenes were hot as expected, but that wasn't enough to bump my rating up to 3 stars. Oh well, at least I didn't waste much time reading this very short story.

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