Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Review: "Shoot to Thrill" by Nina Bruhns

Shoot to Thrill (Passion For Danger, #1)Shoot to Thrill by Nina Bruhns

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book required a huge suspension of disbelief on my part, but it worked because NB's writing is very good and the non-stop action kept me on the edge of my seat and didn't give me any time to think, LOL. What annoyed me in this read, and I can't believe I'm going to say that, was the sex: it just got in the way too many times and it didn't help to move the story along. So, 4 stars it is.

Note: I was going to write a full review, but I decided against it when I realized that the more I thought about this book, the more "critical" I became. Now that the adrenaline rush is over and I'm no longer enthralled by NB's writing, it's harder to keep my disbelief suspended. So I'd better stop before I drop my rating to 3 stars.

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